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2023-04-06 12:53:52     来源:IT之家  阅读量:19762   

,据中国航天科技集团发布,近日长城工业公司发布了 2023-2024 年度发射机会,既有搭载发射机会,也再次推出“共享火箭”拼车发射机会。长城公司期待为国际国内客户不断提供快速、稳定、合规的“一站式”发射服务。

自上世纪九十年代长征火箭进入国际市场以来,长城公司共完成商业发射 79 次,发射了 72 颗国际商业卫星及 74 颗国内商业卫星。此外,长城公司还提供了 45 次搭载发射服务,将 27 颗国际载荷(含 1 次遥感卫星在轨交付)和 116 颗国内商业卫星发射升空,展示了作为中国航天科技集团有限公司商业航天的先锋担当。

自 2021 年以来,长城公司已分别成功使用长征六号、长征八号和长征二号丁火箭完成三次“共享火箭”拼车发射任务,致力于为国内商业卫星发射提供低成本高可靠的解决方案,满足市场高速增长的进入太空的需求。

IT之家附上 2023-2024 年长征系列运载火箭发射机会

CGWIC is a commercial organization authorized by Chinese government to provide commercial launch services, satellite systems and to carry out space technology cooperation. Since Long March launch vehicles entered the international market in 1990, CGWIC has completed 79 commercial launches for 72 international satellites and 74 domestic satellites. In addition, CGWIC has conducted 45 rideshare launchessending 27 international payloads and 116 domestic payloads into orbits.

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation LaunchOpportunities for the years of 2023 and 2024 have been announced, CGWIC looks forward to providing fast, stable and reliable "one-stop" quality services to both international and domestic customers.

2023-2024 Long March Fleet LaunchOpportunities

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